Matlab 2018a Crack Mac

Matlab 2018a
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MATLAB 9.4, R2018a) introduced on 15 Mar 2018 with a range of new capabilities in MATLAB and Simulink. R2018a includes two new products, Predictive Maintenance Toolbox for designing and testing condition monitoring and predictive maintenance algorithms, and Vehicle Dynamics Blockset for modeling and simulating vehicle dynamics in a virtual 3D environment. In addition to new features in MATLAB and Simulink, and the new products, this release also includes updates and bug fixes to 94 other products.

What's new in Matlab 2018a


  • Live Editor: Create live functions with richly formatted documentation, including equations and images
  • Live Editor: Debug live functions and scripts
  • Live Editor: Add sliders and drop-down lists to control variable values in a live script
  • Live Editor: Sort table data interactively
  • Live Editor: Create a table of contents and add formatted code examples​
  • Live Editor: Select and edit a rectangular area of code
  • Add-Ons Explorer: Browse by category to discover convenient, helpful add-ons
  • Comparison Tool: Find differences in live scripts and functions
  • Favorites: Rerun favorite commands
  • Toolbox Packaging: Specify portability information for custom toolboxes

Language and Programming

  • Empty Arrays: Create complex empty arrays using functions such as zeros and ones
  • Code Compatibility Report: Generate compatibility report from Current Folder browser
  • timer Object: Access properties with multilevel indexing
  • Functionality being removed or changed


  • graph and digraph Objects: Work with multigraphs that have multiple edges between two nodes
  • graph and digraph Objects: Calculate component sizes and weighted adjacency matrices
  • GraphPlot Object: Visualize graphs with additional options for 'force', 'force3', and 'circle' layouts
  • polyshape Objects: Analyze polygons with turningdist, nearestvertex, and overlaps functions
  • polyshape Objects: Return vertex map and accept arrays with compatible sizes for intersect, subtract, union, and xor functions
  • polybuffer Function: Create buffer around points or lines
  • triangulation Objects: Find neighboring vertices and locations of query points with improved performance
  • ode45 Function: Solve nonstiff differential equations faster


  • Axes Object: View axes at small size with improved layout, limit selection, and font scaling
  • Axes Object: Map data values to colormap using linear or logarithmic scale
  • Legend Object: Create legends with multiple columns
  • heatmap Function: Zoom and pan data, display data tips, and sort rows and columns interactively
  • geobubble Function: Explore with interactive data tips and a scale bar​ ​
  • Axes Toolbar: Add toolbars to your axes for quick access to pan, zoom, and other data exploration tools
  • Property Inspector: Modify graphics interactively with an improved property inspector
  • Polygon Object: Control color and transparency of hole edges
  • Functionality being removed or changed

Data Import and Export

  • readtable Function: Specify the number of rows to read from a text file using import options
  • readtable Function: Easily manage prefixes and suffixes from data using import options
  • preview Function: Preview first 8 rows of a table in a file without importing the full table
  • imageDatastore Function: Work with millions of images with improved memory usage and performance
  • Datastore Functions: Seamlessly work with datasets stored on cloud and local machines
  • Datastore Functions: Read HDFS data more easily when using Hortonworks or Cloudera
  • readtable, detectImportOptions, datastore, and tabularTextDatastore Functions: Automatically detect and return duration data in text files
  • detectImportOptions Function: Control import properties of duration data
  • VideoReader Function: Read video files faster on all platforms
  • VideoWriter Function: Write video files faster on all platforms
  • openDiskFile Function: Read data files in FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) data format
  • webwrite Function: Support for NTLM authentication
  • Functionality being removed or changed

Data Analysis

  • groupsummary Function: Group and discretize data for summary operations on table and timetable variables
  • Table and Timetable Variables: Add, delete, and rearrange column-oriented variables with the functions
  • addvars, removevars, movevars, splitvars, mergevars, rows2vars, and inner2outer
  • Preallocated Tables and Timetables: Initialize table and timetable variables so that they have specified sizes and data types
  • Regular Timetables: Create regularly spaced timetables using a time step or sampling rate
  • retime and synchronize Functions: Synchronize timetables to a time step or sampling rate that you specify
  • duration Arrays: Create duration arrays from text that represents elapsed times
  • normalize Function: Normalize array, table, and timetable data
  • tall Arrays: Operate on tall arrays with more functions, including smoothdata, find, and isoutlier
  • tall Array Indexing: Use tall numeric arrays to index the first dimension
  • tall Arrays: Solve linear systems Ax = b
  • tall Arrays: Return group labels with findgroups
  • tall Arrays: Set date and time components of tall datetime and tall duration arrays
  • tall Arrays: Set properties of tall tables and tall timetables
  • Functionality being removed or changed

App Building

  • App Designer: Create deployed web apps using MATLAB Compiler
  • App Designer: Add and configure tree components on the App Designer canvas
  • App Designer: Select from recently used argument sets when running apps with input arguments
  • App Designer: Edit axes title and label directly in the canvas
  • GUIDE: Migrate GUIDE apps to App Designer
  • App Testing Framework: Author automated tests for App Designer apps
  • Figure Objects: Maximize and minimize figures programmatically
  • uitable Function: Specify data as table array
  • uidatepicker Function: Add date selection controls to apps
  • uiprogressdlg Function: Create modal in-app progress dialog boxes to apps
  • uitree Function: Create trees with editable node text in the running app
  • Component Text Alignment: Improved text alignment for labels, check boxes, and radio buttons
  • Functionality being removed or changed


  • Startup: Increased speed of MATLAB startup time
  • Execution Engine: Execute tight loops with scalar math faster
  • Execution Engine: Improved performance for common programming patterns
  • App Designer: Starting, loading, and layout tasks are faster

Hardware Support

  • Raspberry Pi: Support for Raspberry Pi Zero W board
  • MATLAB Online: Acquire live images from USB webcams in MATLAB Online

Advanced Software Development

  • Tab Completion: Describe your function syntaxes for custom tab completion and other contextual suggestions
  • Unit Testing Framework: Run tests from the MATLAB Editor toolstrip
  • App Testing Framework: Author automated tests for App Designer apps
  • Unit Testing Framework: Rerun failed tests with one click
  • Unit Testing Framework: Test if values point to existing files or folders with IsFile and IsFolder constraints
  • Unit Testing Framework: Test if two sets are the same with IsSameSetAs constraint
  • Unit Testing Framework: Select tests by test class hierarchy
  • Unit Testing Framework: Direct output stream to unique files for plugins
  • Unit Testing Framework: Increased access to parameterized testing properties
  • Unit Testing Framework: Compare cell arrays of character arrays using StringComparator
  • Unit Testing Framework: Comparison method for objects changed
  • Performance Testing Framework: Define multiple, labeled measurement boundaries in test methods
  • Mocking Framework: Specify default property values on mock object
  • Mocking Framework: Obtain interaction history for mock object
  • Mocking Framework: Construct mocks for classes that have Abstract properties with other attributes
  • Package: Stream data to and from a web service and handle forms and multipart messages
  • C++ MEX Interface: Access MATLAB data and objects easier from C++
  • Class Constructors: Author subclass without implementing a constructor solely to pass arguments through to a superclass constructor
  • Property Validation: Get information about property validation
  • Property Validation: Define validation for abstract properties
  • Functions: Call numArgumentsFromSubscript for object dot method from overloaded subsref
  • Classes: Concatenate matlab.lang.OnOffSwitchState enumeration members with nonmember char and string
  • Python Version 3.4: Support discontinued
  • Source Control Integration: View changes, save revisions, and manage repository locks
  • MATLAB Engine API for C++: Set and get a property value on an object in an object array
  • MATLAB Data API: Applications built with R2018a API do not run in MATLAB R2017b
  • MEX Functions: Build C MEX Files with Interleaved Complex API
  • MEX Functions: Release-specific build options
  • Version Embedded in MEX Files
  • Perl 5.26.1: MATLAB support
  • System objects: Create System Objects in MATLAB
  • System object support for strings
  • .NET: Supports string data type
  • Compiler support changed for building MEX files and standalone MATLAB engine and MAT-file applications
  • Functionality being removed or changed

System Requirements - Release 2018a


  • Windows Server 2008 R2 is not supported as of R2018a.
  • Support for Windows 8.1 will be discontinued as of R2018b.
64-Bit MATLAB, Simulink and Polyspace Product Families
Operating SystemsProcessorsDisk SpaceRAMGraphics
Windows 10
Windows 8.1
Windows 8
Windows 7 Service Pack 1
Windows Server 2016
Windows Server 2012 R2
Windows Server 2012
Any Intel or AMD x86-64 processor
Any Intel or AMD x86-64 processor with four logical cores and AVX2 instruction set support
2 GB of HDD space for MATLAB only,
4–6 GB for a typical installation
An SSD is recommended A full installation of all MathWorks products may take up to 22 GB of disk space
4 GB
8 GB
With Polyspace, 4 GB per core is recommended
No specific graphics card is required.
Hardware accelerated graphics card supporting OpenGL 3.3 with 1GB GPU memory is recommended.
GPU acceleration using
the Parallel Computing Toolbox requires a CUDA GPU. See GPU Computing Support for details.


  • Ubuntu 17.10 is supported as of R2018a.
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 is supported as of R2018a.
64-Bit MATLAB, Simulink and Polyspace Product Families
Operating SystemsProcessorsDisk SpaceRAMGraphics
Ubuntu 17.10
Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
Debian 9
Debian 8
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 (minimum 6.7)
SUSE Linux Enterprise
Desktop 12 (minimum SP2)
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 (minimum SP2)
Any Intel or AMD x86-64 processor
Any Intel or AMD x86-64 processor with four logical cores and AVX2 instruction set support
2.2 GB of HDD space for MATLAB only,
4–6 GB for a typical installation
An SSD is recommended A full installation of all MathWorks products may take up to 22 GB of disk space
4 GB
8 GB
With Polyspace, 4 GB per core is recommended
No specific graphics card is required.
Hardware accelerated graphics card supporting OpenGL 3.3 with 1GB GPU memory is recommended.
GPU acceleration using
the Parallel Computing Toolbox requires a CUDA GPU. See GPU Computing Support for details.


64-Bit MATLAB, Simulink and Polyspace Product Families
Operating SystemsProcessorsDisk SpaceRAMGraphics
macOS High Sierra (10.13)
macOS Sierra (10.12)
macOS El Capitan (10.11)
Any Intel or AMD x86-64 processor
Any Intel or AMD x86-64 processor with four logical cores and AVX2 instruction set support
2.5 GB of HDD space for MATLAB only,
4–6 GB for a typical installation
An SSD is recommended A full installation of all MathWorks products may take up to 22 GB of disk space
4 GB
8 GB
With Polyspace, 4 GB per core is recommended
No specific graphics card is required.
Hardware accelerated graphics card supporting OpenGL 3.3 with 1GB GPU memory is recommended.
GPU acceleration using
the Parallel Computing Toolbox requires a CUDA GPU. See GPU Computing Support for details.

Link Free Download Matlab 2018a (Windows/Linux/Mac)


Labels: Linux, Mac, Matlab, Matlab 2018a, R2018a, Software, Windows

Matlab 2019b (MATLAB 9.7, R2019b) introduced on 17 Sep 2019. The release contains new products in support of robotics, new training resources for event-based modeling, and updates and bug fixes across the MATLAB and Simulink product families.

What’s new in Matlab 2019b


- Live Editor Tasks: Add interactive tasks to live scripts to explore parameters and automatically generate code
- Live Editor Output: Animate plots to show changes in data over time
- Live Editor Output: Adjust the width of columns in tables
- Live Editor Output: Scroll through and copy data in arrays such as cell arrays, object arrays, and struct arrays
- Live Editor Export: Customize figure format as well as document paper size, orientation, and margins when exporting
- Live Editor Code: Duplicate one or more lines of code
- Live Editor Code: Suppress Code Analyzer warning messages
- Live Editor Debugging: Set breakpoints for anonymous functions
- Live Editor Internationalization: Add non-English language such as Chinese, Japanese, and Korean characters on Windows and macOS Platforms
- Add-On Manager: Update MATLAB and other installed add-ons
- Add-On Manager: Programmatically manage add-ons by name
- Settings: Create persistent settings for custom apps, toolboxes, and across MATLAB sessions
- MATLAB Drive: Share folders and collaborate with others
Functionality being removed or changed

Language and Programming

- size Function: Find lengths of multiple array dimensions at a time
- matches Function: Determine if input strings are equal
- Hexadecimal and Binary Numbers: Specify numbers using hexadecimal and binary literals
- Indexing: Use dot indexing into function calls
- System object authoring improvements: Property validation support and simplified class inheritance
- Function Input Arguments: Declare function input arguments to restrict values
- namedargs2cell Function: Convert structure containing name-value pairs to cell array
- delete, dir, isfile, isfolder, and what Functions: Access web-based storage services like Amazon Web Services and Azure Blob Storage
- Suggested Corrections: Correct errors with two new classes
- error Function: Provide suggested fix for uncaught exception
Functionality being removed or changed

Data Analysis

- Live Editor Tasks: Interactively preprocess data and generate code
- groupfilter Function: Filter data in a table, timetable, or matrix by group
- datetime Data Type: Detect formats with fractional seconds when converting text that represents dates and times
- table and timetable Data Types: Variable names can have any characters, including spaces and non-ASCII characters
- tall Arrays: Operate on tall arrays with more functions, including setdiff, xcorr, and outerjoin
- tall Arrays: Avoid running out of memory due to temporary copies of data

Data Import and Export

- detectImportOptions Function: Specify the type of import options for delimited or fixed-width text files
- table and timetable Data Types: Read and write tabular data that has variable names containing any characters, including spaces and non-ASCII characters

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- sheetnames Function: Get names of worksheets from spreadsheet file
- VideoReader Object: Read frames in videos using frame index or time
- VideoReader Object: Improved performance in generated code with row-major layout
- Import Tool: Generate simpler code when importing from fixed-width text files
- save Function: Save workspace variables to a MAT-file version 7 without compression
- xmlread Function: Prevent reading of XML files that contain DOCTYPE declarations
- imread function: Supports reading specified images from PGM, PBM, or PPM file formats
- Scientific File Format Libraries: CFITSIO Library upgraded to version 3.450
- Scientific File Format Libraries: LibTIFF Library upgraded to version 4.0.10
- RESTful Functions: Support for digest authentication
- tcpclient, read, and write Functions: Generate C and C++ code
- Bluetooth Low Energy Interface: Support for scanning and interacting with peripheral devices
- Serial Port Devices: New functions and properties
- Functionality being removed or changed


- makima Function: Perform modified Akima cubic Hermite interpolation


- Chart Container Class: Develop your own class of charts
- tiledlayout and nexttile Functions: Create configurable layouts of plots in a figure
- colororder Function: Control the colors in plots
- Bar Charts: Create bar charts with improvements for stacking and locating the tips of bars
- Data Tips: Create and customize data tips
- dataTipInteraction Function: Pin data tips at cursor location
- Axes Toolbar: Save or copy contents of axes as image
- parallelplot Function: Zoom, pan, and rearrange coordinates interactively
- Property Inspector: Update axis tick values and labels using clipboard data
- Image Interpolation: Select an interpolation method for displaying images
- legend Function: Create unlimited legend entries and specify categorical arrays
- pcolor Function: Specify categorical, datetime, and duration data
- Geographic Plots: Plot data on high-zoom-level basemaps
- Geographic Plots: Create plots with improved basemap appearance
- Geographic Axes: Display animations using comet or animatedline
- Geographic Bubble Charts: Create charts with improved layout
- Functionality being removed or changed

App Building

- uistyle Function: Create styles for rows, columns, or cells in a table UI component
- uigridlayout Function: Configure grid rows and columns to adjust automatically to fit components
- uitable Function: Sort table UI components interactively when using logical, numeric, string, or cell arrays
- uihtml Function: Embed HTML, JavaScript, or CSS content in apps and on the App Designer canvas
- App Designer: Convert components in a UI figure or container from pixel-based positioning to a grid layout manager
- App Designer: Convert an existing app into an auto-reflowing app
- App Designer: Suppress Code Analyzer warning messages
2018a- App Designer: Open App Designer from the MATLAB toolstrip
- App Testing Framework: Perform gestures on polar axes and UI images
- Functionality being removed or changed


- table Data Type Indexing: Improved performance when assigning elements by subscripting into large table variables
- datetime, duration, and calendarDuration Data Type Indexing: Improved performance when assigning elements by subscripting into large arrays
- datetime Data Type Indexing: Improved performance when referring or assigning to date and time components of datetime arrays
- uitable Function: Faster performance when data type is numeric, logical, or a cell array of character vectors
- unzip and gunzip Functions: Improved performance when extracting contents of zip files and GNU zip files

Software Development Tools

- Unit Testing Framework: Run tests in parallel with your custom plugins

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- Unit Testing Framework: Validate count in string constraints
- Performance Testing Framework: Visually compare two TimeResult arrays
- App Testing Framework: Perform gestures on polar axes and images
- Projects: Delete project definition files
- Compare Git Branches: Show differences and save copies
Functionality being removed or changed

External Language Interfaces

- C++ Interface: Options for publishing C++ interface library

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- C++ Interface: nullptr supported as output argument
- C++ Interface: Read-only (const) object support
- Java Interface: JRE version 1.8.0_202 support
- Out-of-Process Execution of C++ MEX Functions: Customize environment variables
- HTTP Web Services: Server authentication support for NTLM and Kerberos protocols
- HTTP Web Services: Timeout options
- Python Interface: Execute Python functions out of process
- Python Interface and Engine: Version 3.5 support discontinued
- Compiler support changed for building MEX files and standalone MATLAB engine and MAT-file applications
- Functionality being removed or changed

System Requirements - Release 2019b


64-Bit MATLAB, Simulink and Polyspace Product Families
Operating SystemsRAM
- Windows 10
- Windows 7 Service Pack 1
- Windows Server 2019
- Windows Server 2016
- Minimum: 4 GB
- Recommended: 8 GB
- For Polyspace, 4 GB per core is recommended
- Minimum: Any Intel or AMD x86-64 processor
- Recommended: Any Intel or AMD x86-64 processor with four logical cores and AVX2 instruction set support
- No specific graphics card is required.
- Hardware accelerated graphics card supporting OpenGL 3.3 with 1GB GPU memory is recommended.
- GPU acceleration using the Parallel Computing Toolbox requires a GPU that supports CUDA 3 or newer. See Wikipedia to determine what version of CUDA your GPU supports.
- Minimum: 3.1 GB of HDD space for MATLAB only, 5-8 GB for a typical installation
- Recommended: An SSD is recommended
- A full installation of all MathWorks products may take up to 31 GB of disk space


64-Bit MATLAB, Simulink and Polyspace Product Families
Operating SystemsRAM
- Ubuntu 19.04
- Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
- Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
- Debian 10
- Debian 9
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 (minimum 7.3)
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 (minimum 6.7)
- SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 12 (minimum SP2)
- SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 15
- SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 (minimum SP2)
- SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15
- Ubuntu 14.04 LTS is no longer supported.
- Debian 10 is supported as of R2019b.
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 is supported as of R2019b
- Minimum: 4 GB
- Recommended: 8 GB
- For Polyspace, 4 GB per core is recommended
- Minimum: Any Intel or AMD x86-64 processor
- Recommended: Any Intel or AMD x86-64 processor with four logical cores and AVX2 instruction set support
- No specific graphics card is required.
- Hardware accelerated graphics card supporting OpenGL 3.3 with 1GB GPU memory is recommended.
- Use of vendor-supplied proprietary drivers is strongly recommended.
- GPU acceleration using the Parallel Computing Toolbox requires a GPU that supports CUDA 3 or newer. See Wikipedia to determine what version of CUDA your GPU supports.
- Minimum: 2.9 GB of HDD space for MATLAB only, 5-8 GB for a typical installation
- Recommended: An SSD is recommended
- A full installation of all MathWorks products may take up to 28 GB of disk space


64-Bit MATLAB, Simulink and Polyspace Product Families
Operating SystemsRAM
- macOS Mojave (10.14)
- macOS High Sierra (10.13.6)
- macOS Mojave (10.12) is no longer supported.
- On macOS High Sierra, version 10.13.6 is required.
- Minimum: 4 GB
- Recommended: 8 GB
- For Polyspace, 4 GB per core is recommended
- Minimum: Any Intel or AMD x86-64 processor
- Recommended: Any Intel or AMD x86-64 processor with four logical cores and AVX2 instruction set support
- No specific graphics card is required.
- Hardware accelerated graphics card supporting OpenGL 3.3 with 1GB GPU memory is recommended.
- GPU acceleration using the Parallel Computing Toolbox requires a GPU that supports CUDA 3 or newer. See Wikipedia to determine what version of CUDA your GPU supports.
- Minimum: 2.9 GB of HDD space for MATLAB only, 5-8 GB for a typical installation
- Recommended: An SSD is recommended
- A full installation of all MathWorks products may take up to 28 GB of disk space

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Crack Matlab 2018a

Labels: Linux, Mac, Matlab, Matlab 2019b, R2019b, Software, Windows